Design Driven Ceramics

Made in Stoke-on-Trent, England, by a 5th generation family

Innovative Designers + Industrial Craftsmanship + 5 Generations of Knowledge

Designer Spotlight

Leah Jensen is a multidisciplinary artist-maker, born in Cornwall, 1990. Fortunate to be raised in a creative family, her education in art and making began in childhood, learning both the creative and practical applications of a broad range of materials.

In 2010 Jensen began her Degree in Contemporary Crafts at Falmouth University, where she would develop a method that has since evolved to become a signature style. This process involves an image mapping technique that enables her to carve intricate geometric interpretations of Renaissance paintings into ceramic pots. The result is a work of vivid, immaculate detail as if to appear digitally manufactured, a style which Jensen playfully describes as ‘anti-digital’.

Today Jensen lives in London, working from a space at Cockpit Studios. She continues to carve ceramic vessels, whilst working on a number of other projects.

Innovative Designers.
Industrial Craftsmanship.
5 Generations of Knowledge.

DesiGN MIAMI 2024

1882 Ltd. presents imaginarium

Imaginarium – this year’s collection from 1882 Ltd. will be showcasing daringly imaginative, hand crafted one-off or limited-edition pieces by leading British creative visionaries, including Bafta and Oscar award winning art director & set designer Shona Heath, music artist Robbie Williams, furniture designer Max Lamb, ceramicists Amy Jayne Hughes and Leah Jensen, fashion designer Giles Deacon and Scottish artist Bruce McLean. In each piece there is a curiosity and playfulness of form, pattern, colour and texture that engages and enthrals.

The Crockery Pink collection by Max Lamb | 1882 Ltd

Shop by: Collection

Shop by: Designer

1882 Ltd. champions inventively designed ceramic products from lighting to domestic ware to works of art whilst employing the manufacturing heritage of Stoke-on-Trent and promoting the British ceramic industry.

Our ceramics are to be used, loved and desired and to bring enjoyment be it in dining and decorative objects to lighting and art pieces. Each collection has a different spirit but they always stay true to our core beliefs.

There is incredible human skill in everything we do and we focus on the process as well as the design. There are no less than 10 processes to make a mug, all of which require great human skill. While we are keen to show the processes behind how something is made we value the importance of good design and superlative quality that will last the test of time. We are prepared to test the bounds of the material. We make what we love.